人気ブログランキング | 話題のタグを見る

Happy English Studio, Today's Chant

We did an easy chant to learn different types of transportations.
I am going to wait at the bus stop for the bus!
I am going to wait at the station for the train !
I am going to wait in the harbor for the ship!
I am going to wait at the airport for the plane!
Happy English Studio, Today\'s Chant_c0357066_20381999.jpg

# by casian_stela | 2015-03-09 20:37

Today's Craft

The spring has come!
We made pretty butterflies.
Today\'s Craft_c0357066_19354796.jpg

# by casian_stela | 2015-03-02 19:30


Happy English Studioのブログを開設しました。

# by casian_stela | 2015-02-26 11:07